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Upgrade PHP 5.5 to 7.0 on Ubuntu 14.04

PHP 7.0 just released 2 weeks ago, and it has good reviews about performance improved a lot. So I would like to give it a try, upgrading my Ubuntu 14.04 VPS on DigitalOcean to this latest PHP version.  Here is my upgrade snippet.

My VPS details before upgrade:
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • PHP 5.5.9
  • nginx 1.4.6
  • phpmyadmin installed
  1. Add the repository
    add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php-7.0
  2. Update
    apt-get update
  3. You can check installed php5-* packages with this command, for better understanding before remove them.
    dpkg --get-selections | grep php
  4. Remove all php5-* packages
    apt-get purge php5-*
    apt-get --purge autoremove
  5. Install php7.0 packages. Some might not necessary, depends on your requirement.
    apt-get install php7.0-fpm php7.0-mysql php7.0-cli php7.0-common php7.0-json php7.0-opcache
  6. After everything installed properly, you will need to update your web server configuration. For me, I need to modify fastcgi_pass directive in Nginx config file to something like this:
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;

    This is because the location of socket file has changed in php7.

  7. Restart your nginx and php7.0-fpm
    service nginx restart
    service php7.0-fpm restart
  • Run all commands with sudo or your root account.
  • phpMyAdmin will be removed during the steps above. Because it requires some php5 packages.
Published inCoding

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